The title says it, Keith passed on, as we all do, but he was so young and one of the good guys and it's sad. I rode a few PGR welcome home rides with him and the CROSS team, and you will not find finer folks! God Bless them all and I ask The Good Lord to Watch Over Them All!

When I arrived, I found Jake, Georgie (sitting on the curb) and Bunker sippin' the cups! GBG I'm sorry, Bunkers wife was behind him and I didn't know it at the time.
The stage point was 125 Bernal at Starbucks! They were in for the ride, and good on 'um! I had things to do and couldn't make the ride, but I wanted to be there to say God Bless, wish the CROSS team well and give them my love! They are of the finest!
And to honor PGR, the RC asked Jake and Bunker to lead the run, and they both said, "this is your run, we are here to join you", and that was right on! Good words and choice!

Just shooting bike shots..... by KSU time I'll have to guess there was above 60 bikes... and at least two more groups were to meet them on route, which will total over 100!!!

Scanning and shooting, this was before 15 more bikes came a roarin'....

CROSS took up a big chunk of a very large parking lot.

The bikes spanned about 3 parking rows....

My sweet Ruby in front! Love 'er!

I remembered this bike, if you've ever seen it, you will not forget it! I found the owner and he was one of the riders with Keith on San Jose Airport rides and I believe also Oakland airport runs.

George and Manny! They were in for the ride, the RC was asking for road blockers, and Manny was curious, George and I both said, "this is not the time to learn!" GBG Good on him for asking!

They were selling a Memorial Pin for Keith, I was first in line. God Bless you my friend and may you and God be Roaring and Bouncing on the Clouds of Heaven!
Just received this from Bunker:
Sorry Cranky,
Sara and I had acquired ours before you even
rolled up on Ruby... Sorry man, maybe next
time you can be first!
Well, I had good intentions! Good on Ya Bunker for wearing a beautiful pin for a fallen rider!
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