Moffett had a few groups of heroes returning and I managed to make one of them, although, I managed to get there late, sigh. It turned out OK as the arrival was late also.
OK, I got lost, and I've been there a bunch of times, I thought I got messed up at the 85 and 280 interchange and took a route on 237 to 101 and missed the base, got on 101 and had to turn around and took the first interchange... That was Matilda, the one that got hit by the truck??? It was closed, funneled off, made a U'e back on 101 to next exit and back I went... thru a traffic jam, sigh.
Got to the base and had missed the group, went to the guard shack and asked, yup, missed 'um, so they let me in and around the flight line I went to our normal staging point, nobody there... asked a security guard where they were, he said follow this road around, true to form, I mistook which road and took a tour of the Moffett Golf Course a few miles away. Luckily, he followed me and said "FOLLOW ME!!!" GBG

Well, HE knew where he was going and I finally made it, Ruby just to the right of that YELLOW Chevy! Later the lady put the top down, a small section behind the top opens up and the top just goes back and down and it closes, real nice! I told her she need a big flag pole holder in the middle between the seats!

The had the band ready to play a happy tune for all returning and they all returned safe, God Bless!

Another pic of the group and I missed a couple others.

Slick John on the right, I told him about my mental aberration trip and he said we all do it, one time he grabbed his cell phone and tried to change the TV channel... GBG Thanks John!

The Plane!!! The Plane!!!

The Bus! The Bus! GBG It was on the way out to do pickup duties. Interesting, ALL vehicles doing out on the flight line have to stop and do a tire check to make sure they are not taking hazards out on the flight line.

A fire truck ladder with someone on top with a flag.

I was just taking pics of all the folks having a GREAT WELL DESERVED time! God Bless!

Mingling and lots of greetings and hugs!

I love the pics of the little ones and their loved ones that have not seen them for a long time! Precious!

Did I say hugs??!!

I really loved the expressions on the little ones faces!

Ok, the big ones too!

I told dad that his little guy was headed out to check out the scoots! GBG He got a tickle out of it.
It was an honor and pleasure to be invited and be a part of such a happy event! I just love seeing them come home!
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