PGR was asked to welcome home Co B, 184th, Inf and it was a great ride! I arrived at the staging point and had to gas up.. got to yakking and didn't take a pic, next thing I knew, motors were starting and off we went.

We did a pre-stage at a private terminal south of the main terminal.. and our escort police showed up and off we went to north of the main terminal. Most folks were under the tree for some shade, a nice day, but a little warm.

We get to our arrival place for the troops... That's my sweet Ruby in front! Just love 'er!

We had to re stage the bikes... and waited for "the plane" word....

The Plane is coming in.. the fire trucks are arriving for a water arch over the plane when it taxi's in... and our police escort is here also. They did a GREAT job! Thank you for that!

The fire trucks giving the troops a welcome home! Well deserved and I thank those that made this happen! Very nice!

We formed a corridor for the troops to walk through, lots of "welcome home's" and "thank you" were offered! Here they are waiting for the San Jose buses to arrive to take them to the armory on Heading...

The lady that was doing all the flight line coordination didn't want her pic taken... I was too slow...

Don N mounted the Co. Flag on his bike to lead them home, I helped him while he was doing the bungy and zip tie job, and it worked!

The flag owner checking out Don's job, he was concerned.. I guess it takes lot of time to replace one of 'um! Don did good!

We arrive at the armory and stage for the ceremony.

Of course, they have to march in.. my inside pics were not good.. but the families were ecstatic! A few speeches and a lot of claps and then the thankful dismissed! And a large cheer went up when the "dismissed" was issued!
God Bless 'um, they ALL came home safe, and that's the best you can ask for! Welcome home!
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