A brave young man was coming home and a hug and "thank you" was in order! God Bless and thank you for your service!

My sweet Ruby on the right! I forgot to do a bike count, I'll guess 25.

OK, I've not seen this before, this young lady was napping on the scoot!

Of course, someone said get the camera out!!! GBG She had started to wake up and that's why the arm over the face! You're a star, sweetheart!! GBG

For those that think it was posed, check the saddlebag stencil mark! She was zonked!

We get to the airport and getting organized.. OK we're trying... GBG

I think the young lady on the left had an interest in Kester's coming home!!! GBG Mom with her bag pipes and ready to play and Slick John who won the honors call duty.

More of getting organized...

The street security guy told me that he was off duty, so watch your bikes... so here I am watching! One of the folks that came thru said "I'm a Nam vet and have a Harley!", later I saw him walking around our bikes checking them out. He was a rider, you could tell by the way he looked at the bikes....

Here he comes! The young lady got first hugs!!! I think she has an interest....

Kester is chatting it up with our folks and got lots of hugs and walked the line!

Of course we have to stage between terminal A and C and wait for the "target" to come by. My sweet Ruby on the left! That shine from my pipes was form 0000 steel wool! Try it on any chrome and you'll be amazed!

We arrive in Pleasonton, and it was 10 degrees hotter than San Jose. One of the honor speakers said that it was almost 10 degrees hotter here than in Iraq!! Welcome home!!! GBG

In case our bikes got hot... NOT! The Pleasonton folks are very supportive of their service folks, and I thank them for honoring those that serve!

The reception was great! Lots of groups that wanted to offer honors to Kester.

Many folks and the big flag. At the end the riders got to take a pic with Kester and because of all the pics we had to stand there a while... the sun reflecting off that flag was hot! I feel sorry for him! He had to stand there for 45 min! And folks kept shaking his hand and he couldn't drink his beer! GBG He took it all in fine form! God Bless you!

One of the honor groups, sorry, did not take notes...

More Thank You's, and well deserved!

More folks wanting to say thanks. This is a great honor ride!

Kester must have worn out his right hand... and I'll bet he did NOT mind!

This is where he is awarded a 5 pack. The presenter explained the gift and opened one and toasted Kester! I liked that gift, and so did Kester!

We finally get a pic of the family, like I said, he has been standing there for 45 min and the reflection of that flag was hot!
Of course, we get the honor pic and we all get up in front of the flag and get our pic taken, that's when I learned that that flag reflects the sun quite nice! I didn't get one, hope someone will send it to me!
I loved all the family smiles, and that's what it's about! The folks that serve and the honor to be there and give 'um a hug! God Bless all that serve and may they come home safely!
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