Spec 4 William Sanchez Jr was returning from Iraq and a welcome home was on the books. We've had a lot of rides lately so I thought I'd volunteer to take one and let the ones that ride a lot take a break. Thanks to Panak and others for their help! Moose, thank you very much for the pins! Guess I need to stock up! GBG
We had riders from HOG, ALR, Wild Pigs, Star Touring, Gold Wing Riders, Moose, and I hope I didn't leave anyone out, if so I apologize.
We had 16 folks and 15 bikes with one two up and 2 cages with family.

We staged at our normal place on 1st St.

Rich Martin taking pics and Slick John just pulling in....

Everyone always loves to check out everyone all of the bikes...

We arrive at the parking site at the airport and it is always great the way we are treated by traffic control, they make our jobs sooooo much easier, the cages were allowed to park with us! Thank you Cass!!!

Sis taking pics of the children and they had a nice sign saying Welcome Home!

A bit blurry, but a keeper....

Dad in the middle... all were a real happy group, of course.

Our arriving hero getting some well deserved hugs!

Finally he gets to the flag line and we do the salute and hand shakes...

So off we go, we stage on the 87 on ramp and wait for our 2 cages and down 87 we go, it was a simple route.. my mind must've not liked that idea.. sigh, I'll never know why I took the 280 off ramp, sigh, I even confused me...
But hey! We got to tour Monterey Hiwy, got a lot of showing our bikes and banners, Buzz finally pulled up by me and said he knew where to go and took the lead. Got us back to 87 and got Bill home! I don't have to tell you how much I got hooted up for that little brain gas passer, sigh.
But we made it and it was a fun topic of conversation! I may have to change my nic to Wrong Way! GBG

Of course there was a payment for the escort, I presented the Honor Pin and then the group picture.

The picture taker with my camera got us too quick on the last pic, here I was calling for Dad to get into the pic, and he did, but I didn't get a shot of it.
It was a great ride, and an honor and pleasure to be there. Ya'll give me a call some day when you want to tour San Jose, Ya Hear!!! GBG
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