Just in, a Ch 7 link to the mission:
Go to the second pic and click on watch video...
PGR was honored to present a flag line at San Francisco airport for 30 WW II Yountville Vets who were going to WWII Monument in DC on Friday and welcome them home on Sunday. I was only able to make the Sunday ride, and very glad I went! Weather was great and so was the mission!
The "young" folks were just great! An honor to salute them and say Welcome Home! They were in fine form and were glad to see us! Even Ch 7 news cameras were there!
As folks kept coming, the count was kind of hard.. I think we had about 20 bikes and 5 cages and they were adding more as we took off, great turnout!
Bunker took the mission and did a great job!!! Good on Ya! You did good! The logistics were a bit tough, but done in fine fashion!

We gathered at our normal spot by SFO and visited for a while.. a shot just before our briefing...

A group of bikes coming in right before we took off.

The group that got there early.. that's Slick John's new Harley front and center! He was proud and his button's were popping at the deal he got on his scoot! GBG Good on Ya!

Bunker in the center, giving the group his Say - Once! Listen up!

One of our group had a new flag....

We got to our parking area at SFO and thanks to their security helping us, we have special parking spots and very convenient.

More bikes and a cage...

And more cages! Fine turnout!

We line up and wait for their arrival.. Sorry for the blur.. I can't seem to get everyone to stand still!!! GBG Methinks that goes for the picture taker also... sigh..
(footnote... Just found out my camera is broken, it's stuck on a bad setting and I can't change it... time for a new one... sigh, and Yeah! New toy! GBG Sorry for the pics tho...)

They all 30 arrive and we line up at baggage claim for a picture shoot.. Real fine!!! It was fantastic and they all took it in stride and were if fine humor! God Bless 'um all!

The guy second from right that looked like he was running.. well, he was !! GBG He was doing some of the camera work for Ch 7 but one of the vets needed help with his camera and he was running back to help him!! Thank you my friend!

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