Don N. called an interesting mission.. simple enough... go ride our scoots around GGNC - Golden Gate National Cemetery... Now that's simple, right?
Well I've not been there before on Memorial Day... so I thought there would be a few folks putting out flags.. I didn't want to do the staging as I don't like early hours... So I went direct and got there about 0945 and I thought everyone else would get there at 1000.
There were cars all thru the cemetery, yes it was visiting day for the fallen heroes, why that didn't sink in to me I don't know... But I got inside the gate and need a pause...
Well a lady working the event said all your bikers went that'a'way... pointing out to the right.. I was surprised that they would be that far off schedule, but with advancing age... well... I just accept things now! GBG
I went after them... nice and slow.. got a lot of waves, as I had my flag flying high, see below.. and had a nice tour.. went back up to the front, and there were a line of bikes. Great, now all I have to do is find my buds...
Don Newton walks up and says "we're over there" I followed the HOG group around and the lady thought I was one of them.. So I fired up Goldie and our group made another tour, noise, hand slapping, HI 5's, a great time.
But I gotta tell Ya, 15 miles south of GGNC, the weather took a nasty turn for BAD! The fog built up on my shield and rolled off into my face.. rain.. and the temps went south.. but hey, great cause and good to be there!
We had 5 ALR Dist 13 members there! That is a great thing! Don of course, Jake, Slick John, Audie, the Cranky dude! Panak and wife and there was one more, sorry can't remember the name... Jake was carrying another ALR from Dist 10, so we had 6.

This is after my "pause"... You can see Goldie's flag in the background. Sky is low, cloudy!

I just took a few scan shots...

Flags everywhere, the top of the hill flag 1/2 mast is always a respectful gaze...

After my second trip with our group, some pics

Audie talking to one of the organizers... Fine trip, the Boy Scouts were a fine bunch and we got a lot of waves and hi fives! I think they enjoyed our riding and making some noise! God Bless 'um all!
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