Welcome home Marine Sergeant Casey Pilkington was the mission and about 40 folks showed up! Great ride!
We met at Bob Dron Harley dealership in Oakland and the folks just kept coming in! By time we left it was quite a line.

I took this pic early, as many more arrived.. Kimo in front..

More on the other side of the lot...

The ride captains Rich M and Don N talking to family and road guard Panak in the background....

We arrive at the terminal.. the security folks let us part in special places, and it is fantastic, it helps us out a bunch!

Folks are aways impressed by our flag line, but today was special as we had sooooo many folks!

Casey walking thru the flag line! He shook everyone's hand.... I made him give me a hug..

Getting back to the bikes and heading to the staging area before 880 to wait for the family to make their way out of the airport.

After a nice ride.... that's with a GBG... down 880 to 238, 580.. past the Infamous 580 / 680 mess, and thru Livermore, we arrived safe and sound! Our road guards did FINE!!! Folks gathering around.

My friend Roy wanted to take a pic of me.. I'm normally behind the camera.. I gotta get back to my "friend" behind me for the rabbit ears!!! GBG That comes with a laugh, I've done it too!

Casey just came home, his brother has just recently arrived, so it was a double mission, for both of them! God Bless 'um both! And the family that serves with them! They ain't alone....

'nother pic...

Don N telling the family what "pain" they have to go thru... presentations, pics.. oh the hurt... GBG

Family pic on the right...

The Livermore VFW showed up to support two American Heroes!!!

The family, dad and mom in the middle.. While at the airport, dad came by me and said God Bless, he's on American soil! As proud and loving as any Dad could be! At the time, I didn't know he was Dad, but later gave him a big hug!

One of the penalties of a PGR mission... we want a group pic! GBG

Dad walking over to the group..

The VFW and our heroes..... the man on the left was the Livermore VFW Commander and was pleased to see the turnout.

And the MOST important! A Family pic!!! God Bless and be safe for All! Thank YOU for inviting PGR to welcome home your sons.
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