Monday, May 30, 2011

PGR - Gilroy Memorial Day 11 Parade

Pics are from top to bottom, click on a pic twice to see it full size, text for a pic is under the pic.

Gilroy Memorial Day Parade!  And Mark Z entered us again.  He did it last year and we had a  much smaller group, but we won Best of Show for a patriotic entry!!!

This year we had over 50 scoots!!!  Great showing!!!  Thanks to all that rode!!!

Parades can be a pain in the left hand and danger to a clutch, and a lot of waiting, but IMHO, it is well worth it!  I like the little kids!  They really get into it and when I stop, I'll point at them with my right hand and hit my 139db air horn with my left!!!!  GBG

We stage at the Gilroy train depot.  Our spot was full so I had to go to the front of the line...  hate being in front!

Cliff's truck with all the flags, our RC Mark Z is chatting with him.

So sweet Ruby is in front... for now...  They wanted us to stage out on the street and Mark asked me to make a circle back and look for folks that did not expect a change in plans... and I wound up where I like it!  In back....

And here we are staged with me in  back, left and flag flying.

Well, we weren't at the staging site very long and I didn't get my break, BUT and  there always is one, There was a gas station on the left and we had time and off I went!  Figured I might as well get some pics.....

More of our line.... Mike "Air" on the center left and Cliff's wife Chris on the right.

Yup, more!  Great showing!!!

From the front, Robert was taking a pic on the left.

Panak standing behind his Vulcan V2K with flags flying high!  Nice lookin' scoot!  And he has a car tire on the back.... just like me...

Panak was taking a pic of this nice lookin' car so why not.  I know the lady, name avoids me like most, sigh, But have ridden many missions with her.

She has been out of commision, has a walking boot on after an operation.  She hopes to get back into some missions soon.

Anthony was chatting with a a 91 year old WW II vet relative.  Great on Ya!!  Thanks for your service!!!

We had a small plane fly over, they came by twice and this was the better pic.

We're off and stopped, story of a parade, more stop that go.  If you look at the pic full size, you will see a red car pulling out behind the guy in the road.  They had a bunch, OK  dozens, of nice cars that got to cut in line.  So we wait...

And take pics!  GBG  This shows the line of cars coming from the left and many more out of view.

Robert on the right on a gorgeous scoot!  She is the same as mine, same year and color!

So I get off my scoot and take a pic of folks behind me.  I talked to the guy in front and he was a bit irritated,  he was on the organizing committee and he did not even know about the cars!  Well, he got off his scoot and made a trip over to a gas station, pause for the cause....

Another shot while off my scoot... Then I went over and shook a little boys hand.  I love the kids at these things!  

When we got started, I livened it up a tad, these folks must be new to parades, you don't just ride down the street, you blast your mufflers, I have stockers so very quiet.... BUT I have a 139db air horn!!!! BLAST  BLAST!!!  Pretty soon folks got the hint and everyone started making noise and waving!

The parade was well attended.

Whenever we stopped long enough for me stop power up, shoot, process and power off my camera, snap!

Some folks had front row seats at home.

The school had a big group of folks!  A great time!  Thanks again Mark!  I sense a trend here!  GBG


Rightwing said...

Great as usual Cranky! By the way, Tom is actually Clif. You got his wife right though and that is more important! The yellow snazzy truck drivers name is Deann.

Rightwing said...

1st place equestrian: Rancho del Toro, Rancho del Western

1st place float: Hula Ohana

1st place marching group: Gilroy Girl Scouts

1st place motorcycle: Patriot Guard Riders

1st place musical and entertainment: Suzuki Violin Studio and Watsonville Community Band

1st place professional organization: First Street Coffee and Pacific Coast Recycling

1st place show cars: Isi Quistian