Saturday, May 28, 2011

PGR - Cheer on Boy Scouts at GGNC Memorial Day preparation

Pics are from top to bottom, click on a pic twice to see it full size, text for a pic is under the pic.

In preparation for Memorial day, Boy Scouts put flags on all of the graves.  Very nice of them and it looks fine.

PGR was asked to ride our scoots around GGNC and cheer on / wave / honk and encourage them and thank them for doing this.

John P won the RC straw and lives close to GGNC, IIRC.  He is also a HOG member and his club showed up in force!!!  Thanks to all that rode!

Just arriving and headed to the bldg on the left.

HOG arrived en mass!  Looked real good!  They rode their group around and we took another path.  And it only sprinkled on us a bit!

End of the parade, Steve and Deb's truck.

Some PGR scoots......

They were doing something....

Ol's Sarg was looking fine and I snapped his pic.  He was in both USAF and USA.  Retired USA.

HOG scoots....

I liked the little dog inside his jacket....

And this was the job of the HOG group, put up the flags on the hill.  I stood by as I do NOTHING, quite well.  GBG


Rightwing said...

Cranky- Thank you for your great blobs and pictures.

Rightwing said...
