One of our 'Nam Vets passed and PGR was asked to honor his passing, God Bless and Healing Prayers for family and friends during this time of passing. Many of us served during this time!

Staging at the church... Panak is ready to follow the hearse.

The group talking with the escort Police and getting it right.

Closer shot, the orange shirt... sorry, forgot the name, had a bad wreck a while back and doing great! God Bless Ya! Mike (Scout) Nettles to his right, our RC for the day, and thank you for what you do! Great run!

A shot across to the lemo for the family, two flag bikes in front, Panak behind, the lemo, and the rest of our bikes.... the rest followed.

Waiting for John to be brought out for the escort.

Very nice service, Thanks to the Gonzales family for allowing us to ride in honor. The scoot in front was one of the funeral members that wanted to join us, thank you, glad to have you in our group!
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