-Update- I learned from RC Mark Z PGR won Best of Show!!! For a non float entry!!!!!!
Mark Zappa signed PGR up to ride in Gilroy's Memorial Day Parade and not normally a problem, but we didn't hear about it until Memorial Day weekend! Doug got the message from Mark out to his distribution list and I made contact. I was worried with such little notice and such a busy weekend he'd be "lonely"!!! GBG
This short notice was on top of the PGR web site being down for 10 days, so communication was extremely hampered.
He has worked with Gilroy on this parade for years and decided that THIS year, he wanted to ride in it, so off I went to Gilroy, I felt he needed another 3x5 flying with him.
I had a ride planed with ALR District 13, my riding club, but felt more the need to help Mark out, we have a great bunch of folks and I knew they would be fine. Found out later when I called Slick John that we had 9 folks show up for ALR. Great on ya all!!!
Well, not to worry, we had 11 scoots (2 first time riders), IIRC there were 3 2-ups, and a cage. As in all parades, it was more stop than go, left hand exercise, and with my heavy duty clutch, well, I got some new muscles... AND it was very warm!

Panak and wife pulling in.. don't give me no "stuff", she had just gotten off... GBG!! That's Gunny to his left...

Just shooting some shots..

We were not the only scoot group...

Waiting for start time...

We're about to get started... stopped.... started... you get the idea... GBG

Mark Z with his nice wing. He has emergency LED flashers like cops have, and he was our tail gunner.

HELLO????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The Cranky Dude in the pictures????!!!!!!! GBG I don't normally get in front of my camera, Mark took the pic, thanks Mark!!!

Nice string of Vet's, very appropriate for Memorial Day. The second one up has a 600 HP blown mill in it, Mark knows the owner as he's from Gilroy.
I hope to get some pics from Mark to add, he had a camera on his scoot for shots and video.... Stay tuned!

We made it to Xmas Tree Park and boy was it warm! That's a Suzuki Boulevard to my right and a Venture in front of it, they are unusual looking bikes, I'll stick with my sweet Ruby on the left.
Great parade, thanks again Mark.... a little earlier notice next year, please! GBG
I called some of my ALR group to see what the status was after I got back, finally got Slick John and he said folks left Oak Hill and went for food, so I got on my cranky machine and got a 15+ mile crank in, and I needed the exercise!
If you meet Slick, you hafta ask him how he got his 'nic, something about entertaining tourists in SF, on the crookedest street in the world... and dumping his Harley and the crankcase emptying down the street..... as all the tourists were snapping pics and Slick was ducking... it was later on the news..... GBG
Hope EVERYONE had a great day! Celebrate our fallen... we'll be there in due time, God Bless.
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