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-Update- I learned from RC Mark Z PGR won Best of Show!!! For a non float entry!!!!!!
Mark Zappa signed PGR up to ride in Gilroy's Memorial Day Parade and not normally a problem, but we didn't hear about it until Memorial Day weekend! Doug got the message from Mark out to his distribution list and I made contact. I was worried with such little notice and such a busy weekend he'd be "lonely"!!! GBG
This short notice was on top of the PGR web site being down for 10 days, so communication was extremely hampered.
He has worked with Gilroy on this parade for years and decided that THIS year, he wanted to ride in it, so off I went to Gilroy, I felt he needed another 3x5 flying with him.
I had a ride planed with ALR District 13, my riding club, but felt more the need to help Mark out, we have a great bunch of folks and I knew they would be fine. Found out later when I called Slick John that we had 9 folks show up for ALR. Great on ya all!!!
Well, not to worry, we had 11 scoots (2 first time riders), IIRC there were 3 2-ups, and a cage. As in all parades, it was more stop than go, left hand exercise, and with my heavy duty clutch, well, I got some new muscles... AND it was very warm!
Panak and wife pulling in.. don't give me no "stuff", she had just gotten off... GBG!! That's Gunny to his left...
Just shooting some shots..
We were not the only scoot group...
Waiting for start time...
We're about to get started... stopped.... started... you get the idea... GBG
Mark Z with his nice wing. He has emergency LED flashers like cops have, and he was our tail gunner.
HELLO????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The Cranky Dude in the pictures????!!!!!!! GBG I don't normally get in front of my camera, Mark took the pic, thanks Mark!!!
Nice string of Vet's, very appropriate for Memorial Day. The second one up has a 600 HP blown mill in it, Mark knows the owner as he's from Gilroy.
I hope to get some pics from Mark to add, he had a camera on his scoot for shots and video.... Stay tuned!
We made it to Xmas Tree Park and boy was it warm! That's a Suzuki Boulevard to my right and a Venture in front of it, they are unusual looking bikes, I'll stick with my sweet Ruby on the left.
Great parade, thanks again Mark.... a little earlier notice next year, please! GBG
I called some of my ALR group to see what the status was after I got back, finally got Slick John and he said folks left Oak Hill and went for food, so I got on my cranky machine and got a 15+ mile crank in, and I needed the exercise!
If you meet Slick, you hafta ask him how he got his 'nic, something about entertaining tourists in SF, on the crookedest street in the world... and dumping his Harley and the crankcase emptying down the street..... as all the tourists were snapping pics and Slick was ducking... it was later on the news..... GBG
Hope EVERYONE had a great day! Celebrate our fallen... we'll be there in due time, God Bless.
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I just received Sandy and Gary R.s post about their photos, great ones, THANKS!!:
Year 2 of the PGR riding around GGNC making noise and flying our 3x5's while the Boy Scouts place flags on all the graves! The Boy Scouts LOVED it! So did we!! Lots of waving, ^5's and general great will!!! Thank you all for what you do! Thanks to all that rode for this honor! We had 10 scoots, with 3 2-ups and our Debbi and Steve truck and they had many flags flying!! Thank you!
We had 7 ALR District 13 riders, Mike and Suzy A., Gary and Sandy R., Don N. RC for the event, Slick John and the Cranky dude!! Almost 1/2 of the group! Thank you for being there!
Don Newton has been the organizer for both! Thank you! The mission was on Saturday 05/29/10 and the 2500 Boy Scouts placed > 112K flags for our fallen heroes.
Did you know for us eye challenged folks... that with a quick browse, a 9 looks like a 3.... Here I sit in 05/23..... aaaallllllllllll alone... sigh. Called daughter and said check my messages for something on the 23 with GGNC.... she said nada, but there's one for the 29th..... %&!(#%&#_($&%! GBG It was a great ride, 280 is very pretty, back home... sigh.
The 29th and I have company!!! GBG Sweet Ruby in front... Steve and Debbi's pickup and he had a 4x4 across the back and mounted a lot of flags, and it looked great! Great on Ya both! Steve mounted them during Don's say once...
Front of the line....
Some folks yakking....
Don N. giving us his say once..
We made it, and had a "blast" to say the least all around GGNC and EVERYONE loved it!!!
Nice line of scoots, of course, the prettiest is front!
Flags were the order of the day!
I've only seen the big flag NOT at 1/2 mast a few times..... sigh.....
A great day and believe it or not, the weather was fantastic, I"ve not been to GGNC in any better conditions and normally MUCH worse. Don N. must have "connections"! A very enjoyable event and I thank the Boy Scouts for what they do and for asking us to join them, an honor and pleasure, thank you!
Late add, I "borrowed" a pic from Sandy R pics Link to all at the top of blog.. Thanks Sandy!!!!
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One of our 'Nam vets passed on and PGR was asked to attend the service. On short notice we had 5 scoots and a cage. Other than PGR we had folks from POW/MIA, AL, ALR and VVA. Thank you all for riding!
In the mission notice it was mentioned, "Robert served in the "Brown Navy" in Nam. He was very proud of his military service and his service to his country".I learned from member conversations that Brown Navy meant the river patrols, the swift boats. That had to be a dangerous mission. God Bless and thank you for your service!
Healing Prayers for family and friends during this time of passing and thank you for asking PGR to be there. It was an honor and the family was very gracious and welcomed us warmly.
At our staging and I took a pic into the sun, sigh. Andy, Panak, Tom and Robert.
When I took this pic, I didn't notice a gent was talking to the group. It turned out that he was a retired CHP and motorcycle officer. He thanked us very much and shook our hands. Very nice of him.
Panak took this pic, I don't normally get in front of my camera! GBG Andy, the Cranky Dude, Tom, and Bob Johnston, a family friend that arrived after us. He was holding the flag as the plan was for he and Panak to do the folding honors.At this point, the Chaplin was ushering the last of the service attendees.
The honor guard arrived and they took over the folding of the flag. That's Bob J's bike in the front. Nice looking scoot, and we had many flags flying, and looked very nice!
The Honor Guard in position. The one on the left also had bugle duties and had it laying on the grass behind him. The arch over the window had a date etched in the cement, 1896. Very old Chapel. As I have the source, I can make it out, and noticed it at the service.
A better pic of the Honor Guard.
After the services, the family and friends lined up on the sidewalk for the 21 gun salute and taps. We then escorted the family to the next building where the ashes were interned for eternity.
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One of our 'Nam Vets passed and PGR was asked to honor his passing, God Bless and Healing Prayers for family and friends during this time of passing. Many of us served during this time!
Staging at the church... Panak is ready to follow the hearse.
The group talking with the escort Police and getting it right.
Closer shot, the orange shirt... sorry, forgot the name, had a bad wreck a while back and doing great! God Bless Ya! Mike (Scout) Nettles to his right, our RC for the day, and thank you for what you do! Great run!
A shot across to the lemo for the family, two flag bikes in front, Panak behind, the lemo, and the rest of our bikes.... the rest followed.
Waiting for John to be brought out for the escort.
Very nice service, Thanks to the Gonzales family for allowing us to ride in honor. The scoot in front was one of the funeral members that wanted to join us, thank you, glad to have you in our group!
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Seth received a very much deserved welcome by family and PGR. Thank you for your service! I think we had 9 scoots for the escort.
We stage at our normal place in San Bruno.... nice group of folks for a mid-week mission. The weather was nice, bit cool here, but it was to warm up... a LOT! GBG Sweet Ruby with 'er trunk yawning.
We make it to our staging place at SFO.
Nice banner for Seth.
One (blurry, sigh) side of our line....
My side of the line....
Seth arrives!
Of course, many pics and hugs are mandatory! He took it all in stride! Mark H, our RC on the right folding up his flag.
More visiting.
So with an almost 50 mile escort thru SF and "the maze" we made it safely. And that is the key! Nobody gets hurt!!!!! And after the bridge the temps started going up! I was dressed for cold and by time we got to Concord, it was WARM! Major wardrobe change in order!
The bike on the left is a trail bike, and as tail gunner, I followed her all the way and she was fighting that scoot! It was jumpy! I told hubby at the welcome site and he pulled out a pump and the tires were low, hope that fixes it!
Front and center is the rider. She did great the way it was twitching!
HEAR YEE! HEAR YEE! HEAR YEE! The Mayor of Concord has declared 05/05/10 as Seth Barta Day!!!! Great proclamation and gift from Concord! He was very pleased!
Of course, PGR has to get their "payment" for the escort! GBG We give the welcome home folks a pin.... and they have to "pay" for it!
Panak watching the pinning.
Here is the payment! The soldiers and family "have" to take a pic with up! GBG (Great Big Grin) Tom and Panak are in the front, on their knees on the right. The Cranky dude on the right with denim vest and white cap. Cranky comes from cranking a bike, my odometer has gone over 76K.. and cranking!
Wanted to publish two, hopefully everyone had their best smile on! Thanks to Mark H our RC and steering committee, he controlled traffic, and Panak and Tom H for leading us there!
Thank Seth's family for inviting PGR to participate in this honor, and Seth, God Bless, enjoy and may the Good Lord watch over you and all others! Enjoy your down time and be safe!