We had 3 groups coming home to Moffett Field and that made 2 PGR welcome home runs, the 2cd and 3rd group were coming in real close together so combined into one mission.
We had some last minute changes to the mission, and they are all different and have they're own personality! GBG
Tony was to lead the first group and I volunteered to be tail gunner. The first group had 8 bikes and one cage.
We got to the airport and a tad bit of confusion about who was on first, but it all turned out quite fine!

We stage at our normal Valero gas stop on San Bruno Ave. The van in the back is our cage. We split the group up and the first group heads for SFO, with me in the rear.

On the left is Tony, our RC for this mission.

Arriving at SFO in our security parking lot.

Lurking inside waiting for folks to get off the plane.

Here they come! Lots of handshakes and welcome home!

We had plenty of flags!

Tony talking to the (I believe) the officer in charge of those returning.

We had a good ride, a bit of traffic, but all worked out fine. The bus driver talked to security at Moffett front gate and we were all waved in and the flags were saluted!

The back side of Moffett where the military is assigned.

As usual, the family has to wait for the troops to be debriefed, and then they can get long awaited hugs!

The Msgt on the right is the public affairs person with a very large camera. Had a nice chat with him and he thanked all that rode!

He's out taking pics of the bikes. Great run! Glad to welcome home folks from a long and difficult assignment! God Bless and enjoy!
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