A young serviceman passed and PGR was asked to honor his return. God Bless family and friends during this time of passing.
We had multiple staging points due to the distance involved, I chose to meet the folks at Salinas staging. The mission came on very late and I felt the need to attend as I wanted a good as possible group for Eduardo's arrival at Salinas airport.
The turn out was absolutely amazing! We had 21 bikes and 24 PGR arrive! Outstanding and I thank all that were here to show their respect!
Fellow ALR members from District 28 showed up in force! Thank you! Ride Captain Don, John and I are from District 13.

I took some pics of the bikes....

... and the folks.... Gene from District 28 knew the area and lead the way with his fellow ALR members to the airport.

The airport was good enough to cone off an area for us to park.

Don was giving us his sayonce and he did a good job! Thank you for doing this! I had to take multiple pics as the group was large.

Don with the white shirt....

The police escort was great! They had cars and bikes, we had great passage to the funeral home. Thank you!!!

We were not allowed on the tarmac, we normally are, but we lined up behind the fence.

I don't normally take pics of the flight line, but no family or anyone else present, just the Honor Guard....and hearse waiting.

We arrive at the funeral home. I hope some of us can make the Phase II mission on Thursday. Thank you again for riding! Cranky
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