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Pics are from top to bottom, click on a pic for a larger pic, text for a pic is under the pic, and I can't do a darn thing about my fuzzy pics, sigh...
Thanks to Don N for sending me his pics, they improved greatly in my blog!
So I'm reading my email, in my bath robe, trying to get my "stuff" together, and get a note, and saw it about 1015, URGENT PGR Welcome home, stage and KSU at 1100... I saw this note just before Don called me... and I'm sputtering.... but, but... well I did the Sh.ts and gets and got to the staging site!
Well, Don N, Slick John and I made it...
3 scoots, not bad for about 1/2 hour notice.
We get to SJC and we find Sgtmaj! Doug beat us there!
Sorry for the not so good pics, I can't seem to get inside airport very good... Family and friends, waiting for Gary to come in. Everything was moving fast! And he was coming in early!
Here Gary is getting a well deserved hug!
Man of the hour! Welcome home! Is that a smile I see? GBG
Meeting and greeting.
Pic from Don N: Getting some well deserved hugs!
Pic from Don N: Gary and Mom in the middle.
Pic from Don N: Did I say he was getting hugs? GBG
Pic from Don N: Dad even got into the act!
Pic from Don N: Slick John, Cranky, Don N, Gary and Sgtmaj.
This Airman First Class was a bonus! There was a Navy person that got claps and cheers also.
Blue Star Moms were on hand also. Thank you for being there!
Another group came in and they got cheers also!
We meet them outside as we head back to the scoots.
Here we are waiting for our "target" to arrive and pull in between the front and rear scoots...As we take off, I see another scoot behind me! I look and Rich M came in, said he ran a red light to get there, but he saw us taking off, and he was not going to miss the ride home! Good on Ya Rich!
Nice uneventful ride home, Mom and Gary.
These escorts come with a price! We have to get a group pic! GBG They also are given a pin to remember this ride. Slick John was Army and got the honor to make the offering! (This pic from Don N, he takes better pics! GBG)
Yes, Mom has to be in the pic also! ( Pic from Don N )
They had a Welcome Home banner on a tree, real nice!
So here are the 5 bikes and Gary's ride, not bad, 5 scoots in such a short time! Thank all that rode! God Bless Gary, family and friends! Have a great well earned rest my friend! His younger brother comes back in about 30 days, stay tuned!
Pics are from top to bottom, click on a pic for a much larger pic, text for a pic is under the pic....
2cd Annual Pacifica Blue Star Mom's Thank You PGR Picnic! Thank you ALL for the honor! And I ate a lot also! GBG Good stuff and lots of it!
For you that missed out, well you missed a great one! Eat your hearts out! GBG
I like to take 280, 35, Sharps Park down to 1 into Pacifica. There is a nice overlook that for once I remembered.
Got into the right lane and stopped for a couple shots...
We had some fog, but it was clearing a bit.
Brian came up to welcome me, and we had a grand total of ....4... bikes, that would change later!
Walking to the picnic spot and taking some shots...
As I was coming in, Debbie S was going out and look what she caught! A bunch more made it!
I'm just shooting some table shots....
Debbi D with her back to us....

Steve D, Deb's hubby.

The two young men in front are recent returnees and Debbi wanted a shot with the Blue Star Moms and them for memories. There was also a group photo that I haven't snagged yet taken later...
Doug and Dianne arriving....and being greeted.
Hafta have hugs and pics......
As you can see there were many tables.
As I head out to see Bunkers new scoot, we have quite a few more scoots than when I came in!
Bunker's new scoot on his right with the banner... He has a nice new 2004 IIRC 1700 Yammie and it sounds real nice. Ought to give a great ride! Good to see old friends and the Blue Star moms even paid for our parking! I tried to repay Deb, but she would have none of it, thank you sweetheart!
Pics are from top to bottom, text for a pic us under a pic, click on a pic for a larger pic...
I received a message about 1140 and I saw it about 1215:
"I received a call from the 129th family programs coordinator. She has extended an invitation to the PGR to participate in the Welcome Home. The C-130's will arrive at Moffet at 1400 hrs local."
Hey, here I am! At our parking lot in front of Moffett..........
Earl Bagwell and I think he said he was assuming the Post Commander position of 4xx, duh, I forgot, but it's the one Don N has moved to as it's closer to his place, showed up. Just us two... waiting for the escort.....
Earl!He's new to PGR and we chatted a bit... got to 1400, and C130s were circling and they did a nice job of saying a flying Hello! Normally when we are invited to Moffett, someone escorts on base... after the C130's circled, and no one showed up... Earl said, lets try to go in... I was a bit hesitant as I didn't want to get shot! GBG Pulled up to the gate and thought Earl was behind me... told the guard I was from PGR and was invited to the 129 welcome home plus the guy behind me.... now my windshield banner, vest and 3x5 flying must've convinced him, he asked for a drivers license and I moved forward a bit. Thanks to Earl for the prompt!Of course someone else pulled in front of Earl, so he was confused and again, I was afraid of pending death... went back and signaled THE CAR BEHIND THIS ONE!
I knew where they would be and off we went around Moffett to the military side. Folks waiting for the troops to get off the planes.
As we arrived, Buzz, a PGR member walked up and shook our hands, he was there with the Blue Star Moms and he's a Blue Star dad, he was there with his wife and son and he brought 3 more scoots with him! Nice to see you and thanks for the welcome!The Blue Star Moms knew about the event for a while and just recently passed it to PGR, they thought that because there was no ride, we would not be interested, I assured them, we've been there before for the same reason, and I thanked them for the invite.
C-130s in the background.
The bus going by. The troops coming home have 2 options, go into debrief and then see family or visit for 30 minutes then debrief. This group picked 30 minutes visit first.
Lots of folks, hugs and smiles! Good on Ya all!
This little guy wasn't sure about Dad...
Folks having a great welcome home!
He's warming up! Lots of touching scenes, God Bless 'um all! Hope they have a long stay home!
Some of them were visiting and did not have family to meet them, Earl did a few hand shakes.We broke off, Buzz took off with his three buddies on scoots and wife following in a cage. All turned out just fine! All missions are different, if you think you have them figured out.... stick around, a curve is coming your way! GBG Thanks to those that rode and God Bless family and friends of those coming home!