Saturday, April 16, 2011

PGR - LCpl Harry Lew, 21

Pics are from top to bottom, click on a pic twice to see it full size, text for a pic is under the pic.

PGR was asked to ride in honor, and an honor it was.  Our Ride Captain Mark Z did an outstanding job as usual and thank you for stepping up.  The family wanted a private service so we were to do the escort up to GGNC and into the Chapel.  End of mission and asked to depart quietly.  God Bless family and friends during this time of passing.

I knew it would be a very large complex mission and I'm getting to old for them so I met the mission at San Bruno GGNC.   

Every overpass on the way up 280 had at least one fire engine and most had multiple.  Thank you all for your time to honor our fallen hero.  There was also a large police escort and it always looks great and makes the mission much safer.

I was quite surprised when I arrived at GGNC, cages and scoots everywhere!

Just scanning the crowd.....

Still scanning.

The group being called for a briefing.

Many scoots on the far side.  If I had to guess, I'd say around 75 attendees were waiting for the procession and many also arrived with the family and I'll guess over 100 were in attendance.  Thank you all for what you do!

We had a double line full length of the entry and out through the entry arch.

The honor guard starting to stage.

Another view of the lines.

The line of scoots where I parked.  4th scoot in was a '46 Indian and it looked to be in great shape, sweet Ruby on the far side and ALR Dist 13 fellow rider Gary R parked next to me.

I walked outside the entry arch for a shot of the fire engines, 3 and a great showing! The ladder later raised and had a small flag on top, very nice!

Congressman Mike Honda arriving.  Congresswoman Judy Chu was a relative and was attending also.

Just before the 21 gun salute and taps.  Great showing for our fallen hero.

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