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PGR was asked to stand in honor of one of our own. Mike was only 51 and passed due to illness much too early. God Bless family and friends during this time of passing.
Mike's friend, who he called a brother, Dave Scott made the request and was very happy to see us attend. He had an unusual request for a PGR Challenge Coin... I just happened to have one, and ashamed to say I took reimbursement, can't afford all these pins, etc. He was very happy to have the coin to present to Mikes widow Sue.

When I arrived, there were 3 scoots there and it turns out that none of us knew who had the one on the left. Roy's in front and Joe's in rear.
Sweet Ruby looking fine as always.
I tried to take a pic of a photo of Mike holding a PGR flag at an airport reception of a fallen hero.
Roy, Joe, Dave Scott, and the Cranky dude! Dave told many stories about Mike and apparently they both lived exciting lives! Dave was in the Green Berets.
We stayed a little over an hour and were about to leave, Roy in front and Joe. Thank you both for being there It only takes a few of us to make an impact!
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