One of our finest has past, Healing Prayers for family and friends during this time of passing, God Bless.
I went direct to the funeral home and Craig R the ride captain said go back to staging, and there were many bikes there, the mission was huge and had to be split up. A lot of caring folks were here to salute our hero.
Got there in time to follow to Gates of Heaven. We staged and waited for our fallen hero to arrive.

I only shot a few pics, the Hummer on the right is our Lynn T. and had snacks and water. Thank you for what you do!

I will not take pics of any service, but this was before anyone arrived.

This is a left face from the last pic and one line of bikes. I think we had a few leave just due to the size of the mission.

Our fork of the road for the arrival of the procession. The guy on the left was USAF, as I am.

The lady in front is USAF also and was in communications as I was, I was a crypto man.
We held our salute for close to 15 minutes, I'm guessing, the procession was very large for a young man that was very well loved.
And now he's in God's Loving Arms. Rest in Peace, we will be coming along soon........
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