A golf tournament was held in honor of Dianne Layfield's son Travis. It was to raise funds for the Gold Star license plate effort and I hope it's a success! God Bless all that serve and especially parents that have lost their children. I cannot imaging the pain of that experience.
As a PGR rider of many rides, it always hurts to see parents sitting in the front row. May the Good Lord watch over you and comfort you.
Late add: I scanned a pic from the San Jose Mercury news that had Panak,Michael Jordan, Slick John and myself behind Kevin Graves on the #1 tee. Click on the picture TWICE to see it in full size!!!!

The Marine Honor Guard marching up to the club house.

Mike A. a fellow District 13 ALR rider talking to the Wolves cheer leaders. Very nice ladies!

Our Medal of Honor guest, Panak, Slick John and I (the Cranky dude) went out to escort him to the club house. Don N and Bob D. following in a golf cart were having a bit of trouble keeping up with our scoots... GBG Bob was taking a lot of pics and I'm looking forward to seeing them.

A few riders resting at the club house.

The Wolves cheer leaders. The one on the left is Morgan, she's an entrant for the Cal state beauty pageant, and she has my vote! GBG

The honor guard by Dianne's truck.

With the Wolves cheer leaders.

The Honor Guard with Richard Pittman.

Dianne wanted a pic too, sorry the pic isn't clearer, I'll have to learn to stop breathing.

All the Gold Star Parents with the Honor Guard. God Bless 'um! Richard on the left.

I had to take another as the gent on the right joined the group. The first pic was a better pic, as why I posted two.

The crowd waiting for the Honor Guard to arrive.

We stood in honor at the first hole. This was SPC Michael Balsley's honor for Bev and Jim Balsley! God Bless.
It was for a good cause and I hope they ALL had a good time and worked hard, 'cause it was cold out there! GBG That southern breeze was quite cold. We formed a flag "wrap around" the Wolves cheerleaders as they were not prepared for the cold breeze, and that flag does provide a great shield!
Thank all that helped in putting this event together!
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