One of our Korean Vets passed and the family asked PGR to attend. It was unfortunate the weather was just terrible and attendance was small but we got the job done. I've ridden on missions with less.

I kept waiting for the worst to blow over so I could attend at the beginning of the service, but it just kept coming. I was about to leave and all "heck" broke loose!
I thought about getting my camera after the worst was over, I was amazed! I've not seen rain and hail like this in San Jose!

If you click on the pic for a larger pic, you can see the hail on the grass. And the yard is flooded!

Well, I would not ride in that weather, too dangerous... So I waited for the worst to pass and showed up for the burial service. Here we are waiting for the visitation to finish.
The American Legion Honor Guard performed final services and did a great job! Thank you!
We had Panak, a young lady whom I promptly forgot her name, sigh, and she's a Vet, PGR and a member of Don N's American Legion Post, Honor Guard, Don N. Honor Guard, Slick John Earl B and myself. I missed Earl when I took the pic. Thank you all for attending in such nasty weather.
As I don't have a car, I was the only scoot rider in attendance and escorted the hearse on Westley's last journey. Four of our PGR assisted as pallbearers carrying Westley to his final resting place.
God Bless and Comforting Prayers for family and friends during this time of passing.
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