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One of our Korean Vets passed and the family asked PGR to attend. It was unfortunate the weather was just terrible and attendance was small but we got the job done. I've ridden on missions with less.
I kept waiting for the worst to blow over so I could attend at the beginning of the service, but it just kept coming. I was about to leave and all "heck" broke loose!
I thought about getting my camera after the worst was over, I was amazed! I've not seen rain and hail like this in San Jose!

If you click on the pic for a larger pic, you can see the hail on the grass. And the yard is flooded!
Well, I would not ride in that weather, too dangerous... So I waited for the worst to pass and showed up for the burial service. Here we are waiting for the visitation to finish.
The American Legion Honor Guard performed final services and did a great job! Thank you!
We had Panak, a young lady whom I promptly forgot her name, sigh, and she's a Vet, PGR and a member of Don N's American Legion Post, Honor Guard, Don N. Honor Guard, Slick John Earl B and myself. I missed Earl when I took the pic. Thank you all for attending in such nasty weather.
As I don't have a car, I was the only scoot rider in attendance and escorted the hearse on Westley's last journey. Four of our PGR assisted as pallbearers carrying Westley to his final resting place.
God Bless and Comforting Prayers for family and friends during this time of passing.
Pics are from top to bottom, click on a pic for a larger pic, text for a pic is under the pic.
WWR was invited to conduct services and as in all groups honoring fallen Heroes, all who wish to attend are welcome. Many groups ride in honor.
The pics are in two parts. The first few are Thursday 1/14 arrival escort to Callaghans Mortuary and part two was the final service on Saturday 1/16.
Well I arrived at the Livermore airport late and decided to go to Callaghans for the reception. The fire truck was parked in the middle of the road and had what I'll guess is a 35' flag flying! Looked fine! Thank you Livermore for your show of patriotism! I was not alone with that intention, we had five flags at the entrance to salute and honor our Hero! Nice welcome!
The procession coming in being led by Police and fire trucks! I stopped taking pics at this time out of respect for the family. The mission was well attended as evidenced by the line of scoots in the procession. Thank you all that ride! Ride safe!
After we formed a flag line and honored our Heroes arrival, the group got together for a debriefing. Great group, must have been at least twenty folks attending.
Part two on Saturday, PGR decided to stage close to the cemetery and make a welcome flag line for the arriving procession.
Some of the scoots ready to head to the cemetery.
Raiders hummer in the rear and the usual suspects visiting prior Panak giving us the agenda. Thank you Brada for taking charge, your and others efforts made this a fine tribute to a passing Hero!
Once at the cemetery, we formed a flag line at the entrance and we almost stretched to the burial site! I didn't do a count and more arrived later, but I'll guess we had about 20 members here and quite a few more came in from Callaghans with the hearse and family. This is looking toward the service site.
Looking towards the entrance. As the service pulled in we started peeling off on both sides and paraded in with the procession and they were all escorted by flying 3 by 5's and it was very effective and impressive. A great show for our fallen Hero!
God Bless Ryan and may he rest in God's loving arms and await our arrival.
Pics are from top to bottom, click on a pic for a larger pic, text for a pic is under the pic.
Today was part 1 of a multi-part mission, to welcome David home and escort him on his final journey.
Thank you David for your service! God Bless family and friends during this trying time of passing.
The turnout was fantastic!!! We had about 100 bikes and many more cages that were there in David's Honor! Well over a hundred supports and well wishers... and as always, PGR is made up of MANY riders from many groups. Thank you for riding! It's an honor to ride with you all!
The Hollister Airport Manager was gracious and let us stage on the tarmac and was helpful in every way! Thank you for your support!
Police and fire escorts made our trip very nice, thank you all for helping David's family when they needed you.
I took this early, many more arrived, and there are others....
PGR old timers were in abundance, and it contributed to a smooth event. RC Don Newton center, and was assisted by Panak and many more, thank you for what you do. This was a complex mission and you stepped up. God Bless!
Just shooting some shots of the scoots...
This group out front was to take off early and head into Gilroy for traffic control. We didn't need it on 25, the Police groups did a fine job, thank you!
I don't normally take pics of the family, but this was far enough away to not be intrusive. The hearse led the family in procession to the tarmac, awaiting David's
This is just some of the flag line and another entire group of well wishers was on the other side. Amazing showing of respect, honor and love!
Three nice orange bi wings did a fly over, the second pass they did a missing man formation. The plane on the left that was not smoking went up and away, to our left after passing. This was touching and very nice, thank you for performing this honor!
An interesting thing all the way up 25 to Gilroy, almost ALL cars and trucks were pulled over and parked in honor of David's procession passing. I was tail end and gave them a thumbs up! I felt great pride in the folks that paid their respects.
Another interesting point.. when we got to 101, the entire road was empty, not a car in site, thank you CHP!!!!
I was not feeling well, have a cold, sigh... when the procession left 101 to go into Gilroy, I signaled that I was going straight and I had previously told the sweeps I would do that so as not to confuse anyone.
It was an honor to be there, I thank the family for asking PGR and all that ride with us to attend and honor David's arrival.
Pics are from top to bottom, click on a pic for a larger pic, text for a pic is under the pic.
An Army 'Nam era Vet passed and the Riders were asked to ride in honor, and an honor it was! Thanks to the family for inviting us!
We arrived at our stage point in Castro Valley to pick our hero up and escort to SNC - Sacramento National Cemetery. If I recall correctly, we had about 10 bikes, two road guards, three front bikes, two behind the hearse, and three behind the van and bus.
My sweet Ruby right front.... Just mounted the trunk and have some fine tuning to do...
Spike talking to one of the Sons presently serving in harms way. Gave him a challenge coin to take with him.
Getting ready for briefing and KSU.. (Kick Stands Up)
Pictures are a MUST! GBG!!!!
When I arrived at SNC, I was blown away! It had transformed from the trailer to a fine installation! I was stunned!
Nice pond, and all of this is new since I was here a while back, and I don't think it was much more than a year! Wow!!!
One of the two Gazebo's for services, this is the one we used.
Line of well wishers. Our hero was a Pastor and well loved and respected!
The bus and van that carried many well wishers. The hearse in front, as always.
Bracketed by flag bikes, it's always touching to see them on the road with flags fluttering!
Front bikes and the two road guards. Great run and all was safe, that really counts!
God Bless family and friends during this time of passing. Celebrate the life lived, we will all be together soon.