Monday, July 4, 2011

PGR - 8th annual Gold Star Dad Tom Ballard BBQ for son Ken

Pics are from top to bottom, click on a pic twice to see it full size, text for a pic is under the pic.

Tom Ballard had his 8th annual BBQ for fallen son Ken, and it was an honor to attend!!! 

He always reserves space in front of his home for PGR!  Thank you!!!!  Sgtmaj, Bunker and my scoot in front.

Carolann, Dianne and Doug.

Tom B giving me his split finger smile!!!   GBG  Found out that Tom and Carolann were USAF as well as I was.

Tom handed out some honorary remembrances of the event.  Proud to wear it!! Thank you my friend!

We even had a 53 Jeep visit us!  Nice ride and looked great!

A better shot, Tom was looking at my Sweet Ruby, I had his tape trapped under my front tire, fixed that!

Carolann trying to figure out how to fire that thang!!!  Glad she didn't as that barrel was big and aimed right at me!!!

Great day and great visit!   Thank you Tom!!!  Of course, he did give me the conditional "I think this is my last one",  we'll see......   Great visiting with folks!  Thanks!

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