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The family requested PGR stand an honor line and an honor it was. Thanks to the family for asking during this sad time of passing.
All missions are different, and no exception today. The service needed a flag for our hero and Cliff was nice enough to donate one. Nacho and Panak volunteered to fill out the 21 gun salute firing squad. Thank you all for assisting the service!
I said they are all different, I don't know why I was an hour off schedule, but I was and arrived in the middle of the service. Greeted all and then shot some pics.
Aptos FD was nice enough to have an engine on site, great on 'um!
Sweet Ruby in front, with others in the background,
Nice old church. I liked the old time feeling, not a new and flashy place, just a down home comfortable church.
Nacho was third person from left and Panak was fifth.
Some of the riders visiting.
Mark sitting on his wing.
Nacho and Panak were second and fourth from L to R.
Our flag line at the completion of service. Very nice showing on such short notice. Thank all that rode!
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WWR was invited to honor a WW II vet, and as a WWR/PGR rider, it was an honor to be there.
I thank the family for asking for us to attend!
We had the honor of the POW/MIA Vet for being there, and no pun, he is a Vet!
A very nice group of folks to honor our fallen, think I counted about 20 and about 12 scoots.
My sweet Ruby, third from the left...
We were asked to fold the honor flag, Spike led the folding.
Our honor line into the service... The family was very appreciative, guess they don't know how much we were too, truly an honor to stand for a fallen hero!
The medals and ribbons Dan earned! Truly outstanding! Thank you for your service and enjoy resting in God's Loving Arms! Welcome us as we arrive.
This is the flight jacket he wore as he flew B-24s! Out Darn Standing to attend and stand for an honored servant of our country!
Thank you for your service and our freedom!!!
God Bless family and friends during this sad time of passing.... it is not if, it is how and when, and we all get a turn. The best you can ask for is a long life and be well remembered, and Dan accomplished both.
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Another of our finest has passed into God's Loving Arms and waiting for us to arrive. PGR was asked to stand in honor and an honor it was! Thank you for asking!
We were to meet and go the Skylawn Memorial Park and I decided to go direct and save an hour. There were some that staged along 92 under 280, I saw them but no way for me to get there, so I went direct.
Real nice day for an honor mission and the fog was burning off.
Here Ruby sits waiting for the rest to arrive.
Well they finally came in and I was set up to take some pics.. They really confused me as they took a wrong turn and came in the back way, I thought I was in the wrong place, but then, I knew better as I've been here before.Bunker, our RC (Ride Captain) front and center! He did a great job as the mission unfolded.
Lots of scoots and great on them for riding to honor a fallen Veteran!
And they just keep on coming...
I think the red Spyder is family, God Bless 'um!
I think I counted almost 30 scoots and we had some cages.
Like I said, they just kept on coming....
The sad part is I had to delete a couple because they were blurred. Very nice showing for our fallen Veteran!
Skylawn Memorial Park has a nice fountain and I wanted to get some pics. This is the upper fountain above the entry road. On the right...
The lower fountain, below the entry road.
I never take pics of the service as the service is private and for the family. It is PGR policy to never take/publish pics of the service, and rightfully so. Bunker, the red Spyder and I led the hearse to the burial site with family and friends, followed by PGR riders. We formed our flag line for final honors.
God Bless family and friends during this time of passing.
Pics are from top to bottom, click on a pic for a larger pic then click again, text for a pic is under the pic.
One of our finest has passed and PGR was asked to ride in honor, and an honor it was!
------------ Part 1 - Tuesday -------------------
USA Pfc. Conrado D. Javier Jr was to arrive at the Monterey airport on Tuesday. It was a very cold am, down in the 30s, but a lot of hardy souls showed up! Fine showing for our hero! I believe we had about two dozen attendees.
I thank the family for inviting us!
One of our newest PGR members, front middle, Lynn was instrumental in our invitation and she knew Conrado.
Nice line of scoots, Ruby is on the far end with her flag flying.
----------------- Part two - Thursday -------------
Brada Panak, our RC for the mission for both part 1 and 2, giving his say once, tell us how it will all work. Knowing that is great, but then we just go with the flow, all are different. He did his normal great job and thank you for what you do!
Nice collection of scoots, I think I counted mid thirties.
More scoots with sweet Ruby in the foreground.
A shot of the group before getting ready for staging.
Lynn on the left.
Waiting for the hearse and visitors to arrive.
I only took one pic at the cemetery, away from the service. A good portion of our members and the firing squad and bugler to the left. The bugler is in front of the tree.A successful mission, well attended and all were safe.
God Bless family and friends during this very sad time of passing. May the Good Lord find a way to Comfort you all.