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Pics are from top to bottom, click on a pic for a larger pic, then click again, text for a pic is under the pic.
One of our Viet Nam Vets and a fellow scoot rider passed and PGR was asked to ride in honor.
Bill (Bunker) Roller, my ALR District 13 President and a fellow Star rider, like Dale, was the RC on this mission. He did his normal great job and thank you for doing this! It was an honor to ride for Dale's service.
The day didn't start out too bad, until about 2 miles from our stage point and rain happened. Oh well....
You can see the wet payment, and Santa Claus is wearing rain gear.
Nice turnout, 18 scoots and one cage, IIRC.

Brada Panak pulling in....
Robert coming in on a nice looking Nomad! Same bike as mine... Sweet Ruby.
That is an interesting scoot in the foreground. Unusual styling, think most folks either like 'um or not.
More scoots coming in... We finally get our say once from RC Bunker and off we go down the hill, one of our shortest missions, about 2 miles...
Parking at the service...
Some of our riders were amazed when they found out that they had sailed with our fallen Vet while serving.
Healing Prayers for family and friends during this time of passing, God Bless!
Pics are from top to bottom, click on a pic for a larger pic, then do it again, text for a pic is under the pic.
One of our finest has passed and PGR was asked to honor Willie with an escort. He was a good friend and neighbor of one of our fellow PGR and ALR District 13 riders, John (Slickjohn) Rodrigues and it was an honor to ride with him on his friends service. We had 9 scoots, 1 cage and 12 folks show up. Of the 12 we had a great showing of ALR District 13 folks, 8 were there. Great on Ya!!!
Panak did his normal great RC work and is always appreciated. The weather was a bit drizzly, but not bad. We did get an escort from the church back to the cemetery so all went smooth, but then the ride to the church did too, great mission!
Rich M sitting on his new Illusion Blue wing! He loves it! Most Wing owners do!
Panak in the foreground chatting with the riders and Slickjohn was on the far right by Rich M.
Had to get sweet Ruby into the pic!
Gary R and Georgie L chatting.....
I liked the paint job on this scoot!
Slickjohn, Mike A and John B to the right.
Getting to the mortuary and parking.
Rich M and Panak were the lead riders with big flags flying.
Willie's last ride, waiting for him.
Out front of the Lima Family Santa Clara Mortuary. This is the only way I can remember names of things is with pics... sigh.
Our flag line at the entrance, Lorie P and Sandy R in front.
I took only one shot at the church. As you can see things were wet, but not too bad.
We had a rare treat during the service, we were next to American Legion Post 419 so at least 3 of us visited. The rare treat for me was I got a lunch instead of my ol' standby P B + J.
Thank all that rode in Willie's memorial mission!
Pics are from top to bottom, click on a pic for a larger pic... then click on it again, text for a pic is under the pic.
A fallen hero, a Korean vet of 80 has passed and PGR was asked to escort the mission.
Unfortunately, this time, it was personal and a member of my extended family. The newspaper post:
From the San Jose Mercury News:
Samuel Attanasio
Resident of San Jose
Samuel Attanasio born on April 26, 1930 in Omaha, Nebraska to Angelo Attanasio and Rose Serrator passed away on Sunday October 3, 2010 at his family home surrounded by family and friends.
Samuel was preceded in death by his wife, Patty Lou Attanasio. He is survived by his daughters; Roslyn Attanasio and Tina Aruta; grandchildren, Jay Aruta, Kristi Snodgrass, and Samantha Baker; niece Dawn Clarkson; son in law Dan Aruta; and caregiver-close
friend Greg Baker. Samuel's sisters and brothers are Ida Arena, Mary Oliver, Zina Tranisi, Tony and Angelo Attanasio. He served in the Army and was in the Sheet Metal Union for most of his life.
A visitation will be held at Darling Fischer, Chapel of the hills. 615 N. Santa Cruz Avenue, Los Gatos, CA on Thursday October 7, 2010 from 5-8 p.m. and a vigil at 6:30 p.m. Funeral Services will be on Friday, October 8, 2010 at 10 a.m. at Holy Spirit Church, 1200 Redmond Avenue, San Jose, CA 95120.
Graveside services to follow at Los Gatos Memorial Park, 2255 Los Gatos-Almaden Road, San Jose, CA. Reception to follow. Donations are acceptable to the Crohns and Colitis Foundation of America.
This was the discharge papers back in '52Guess that's why the family could not find the DD214 for honor services.
My good friend Panak was ride captain, and another good friend Don Newton arranged for honor services based on the above info, and I thank both of you for your efforts!
VERY much appreciated, and they were very much appreciated by the family! Thank you for what you do!
The family hired an escort service that did a great job of taking us from the church to the final service.
I couldn't get to the escort part of the mission to ride with Sam to the church, so I went directly to the church.

Arriving at the church and waiting for the arrival...
Gary and Sandy R. joined me and we welcomed the arriving procession with a salute!

The Church...

The pallbearers talking before start of the service... My son Casey on the right.

Slick John, a fellow ALR District 13 rider, fixing his flag.

I don't normally take pics of mission personal things, but this is family, Sam waiting for his final service....
They staged the hearse at a different place for convenience, and it's a good thing, the right front tire was going flat in a hurry, and we would probably not have noticed had they not moved it. That allowed AAA to come change the tire during the service.

Just taking pics of the staging for escort into the church.

Another pic of the staging.

Brada Panak having a chat with the procession folks.

More staging pics....

Panak moving into the procession line.

Three of my ALR Dist 13 riders, Bruce P. Georgie L, and Gary R.

Al R. on the right, he makes great stainless steel flag hardware!

I like to take pics of the folks scoots. I like to honor those that ride. And I really appreciate the 16 scoots, one cage and the 19 folks that showed for this service! THANK YOU!!!!!
We have ridden many times, and I think we forget the true impact of the moment for the families. We DO make a difference! Any number of us, standing in honor flag flying.

Slick John taking a pic, looks like he is looking at Rich M's nice illusion blue wing!

My sweet Ruby, in front of Gary and Sandy's R's scoot.

A great collage, if wanted, I have higher rez pics and you can see the pics real good!

The center pic is of a young Sam, RIP! Stand down, your mission is complete!

Our first escort arrived to check out the area in preparation for the escort.

We're getting ready for Sam to leave the church. In front of me is Earl B. and drives with us with his flashing top light to wake up cages so they will notice the escort.

Another pic....

Looking into the church.

I only took a few pics at the service, and I normally do not do this. I did it for the family.
From the pole to the right, Jay, Dan A. on the left and son Casey on the right. Jay is Krisit's brother and Dan is her dad.

Parting shot, of the service wrap up, over Slick John's scoot.
Line of scoots at the final staging.
Healing Prayers for family and friends during this time of passing. Celebrate the life lived. God Bless and thank you for allowing us to escort this mission.