It's Christmas and a lot of troops are coming home, what could be better!? We staged at our local spot on 1st and it was a great showing! I lost count, but it was about two dozen! Thank you ALL for riding!

We even had Santa!!! and his SOLID chrome bike! Lookin' great!

Antlers on the handlebars!

Bag for Christmas goodies!

And we had a bunch more...

Brada Panak about to have his say-once...

So we make it to the terminal and lurk in the hallway all arrivals must come thru....

Cody's grammaw was very emotional, God Bless her! She's a sweetheart!

Mom walking the line and giving hugs.....

Cody getting a hug from Santa!

He walked the line and hugged all of us!

We had a nice safe trip to Gilroy down 101 on Christmas get away and I was thankful for that and arrive at Codys' home....

I think he's glad to be home!!!!!

Chattin' with my friend, I know him as Hardass... he got that from going out of Gilroy at 0630 east on 152 and a truck left garlic leaves on the road... moist dew.. I'm telling you, pure ice, dropped in a heartbeat!

Cody and Ride Capt'n Panak center, chatting....

OK, we got Cody to sit on Santa's lap!!!

I tried to get a better shot but he was getting up.

Well, I gave my camera to a young lady to take some pics... but she didn't know to hold the shutter button until the camera focused.. bad.. Rich took one and it came out great!!!
One more, shamelessly from Gary Ragsdale! Thanks Gary!
Welcome home and enjoy! God Bless and may your life be safe and Blessed! Thank you for your service!!!