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PGR was asked to ride in honor of a Fallen Hero, and it was an honor to be there.
All rides are different, in this one, we met at a Park and Ride in Danville, Ca. Roger's ashes were to be delivered for final resting in SJNC (San Joaquin National Cemetery), Gustine, Ca. It was about 100 miles and our RC Rich M did a great job and the traffic was honoring our escort line.
I didn't take any pics at the staging site, sorry, we were busy and it came time to go and I missed a few shots. My first pics are at SJNC.
There is a staging area in front of the office at SJNC where we all lined up.....
More of the line...
I wanted a pic of the RC's scoot and Tom who rode with him up front. Having large flags in front of the escort is desired.
I finally tried to get the entire line...
The flag on the hill is always impressive. At all missions at the three National Cemeteries I've been to, they are at 1/2 mast. I only saw one instance when it was at full mast and that was at GGNC (Golden Gate National Cemetery in San Bruno, Ca), and that was after we escorted a returning group of Marines home at a near by location. I was surprised to see it full up....
They have a nice facility for the visitors.
A nice statue is beside the staging area. The inscriptions reads:
" The Airborne Soldier"
These men have served America with unsurpassed courage and honor. Both war and peace since the beginning of World War II. For many this hallowed ground is their final resting place.
The family and friends came over to visit after the service and wanted a group pic. Well, so did we!!!! GBG (Great Big Grin)!
And a great pic it was, thank you for joining us! I asked the lady of honor, the one that received the flag, if she wanted a pic on a scoot, she was thrilled! I think she is a future rider!
She picked out this gorgeous (Harley, of course) and she loved it! Looked very pleased!
I think she REALLY liked it! She even liked the owner, on the far right! God Bless Roger's family and friends during this time of passing, please celebrate the life lived.
Pics are from top to bottom, click on a pic for a larger pic, text for a pic is under the pic.
Third wave of Marines coming back from Camp Pendleton to San Bruno and PGR was asked to escort them home, and an Honor it was! Thank you all for your service! God Bless and it's great to see you come home!
I did my normal and staged at 101 and Bailey overpass, got there around 1130. As I pulled up there was a white car sitting, I pulled up by the car and asked if they had come by yet, the lady said no... she thought a second and asked, now why did you think I was waiting for the Marines????!!! Well, the answer was simple, that is why I was there! GBG
There was a CHP car at the far end and I could tell from where he was, he was waiting also as there was no possible radar setup from his location. I chatted with Tracy for a few minutes, got my flag out and on the scoot...
About noon another CHP came up and across the overpass and made a U turn and stopped by us. He said they were about 2 minutes behind him and we could come down where they were going to park and turn on their lights... Sounded good to us!
My flag doesn't do freeway speed, but I left it up as I was just re staging, well, if you ever tried to park on a right bank road, your scoot won't lean over enough.... I had to get my flag down before take off.. that's why I didn't get any pics of the procession, I was trying to hold my bike up, stow the flag and mast and get back on and after them!
We made it! There were quite a few overpasses that had fire engines, well wishers and police waving and saluting us! I popped one right back!
Unlike other rides to San Bruno, these folks did not mess around, they were getting out of the bus and unpacking!
I'm talking quick time!
A view of one line of bikes and this was not all, it was estimated that over one hundred scoots were in the procession! Good on all that came to say a great big THANKS!
The usual fire engines with flags high were at the entrance and family and friends were all waiting and cheering! I love it when they come home, as did everyone there!
Again, not wasting time, the last group took almost 2 hours to form up and march around to the families, and this time they beat feet and did it quick! Good on the OIC for doing this! Everyone appreciated it, I'm sure!
Another pic of the scoots....
They had a banquet room with goodies set up for folks...
The writing on the back of the car on the left, if you click on the pic, says "Welcome back from Iraq! God Bless all and have a great homecoming and enjoy! Thank you for your service!